Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Keeping a Quiet Heart

     For the last 6 months I have been contemplating what it means to have a quiet heart before the Lord. It's something I haven't really taken the time to study or pray about until recently.   

     2015 was full of many many blessings and amazing experiences, but it has also been one of the hardest years of my life so far. There were a LOT of changes and trials that have been challenging emotionally and spiritually. I have also experienced many physical issues that have made daily life difficult at times (I am so blessed compared to many who suffer far worse than I do). I don't say all of that to complain, God is so so good and He hasn't given me what I deserve. I know that He works out the lives of His children for their good and sanctification (Romans 8:28), which I am thankful for. But I've been thinking. What about the times when life isn't going the way we thought it would and things are just downright hard? What about the times when we are struggling more than we ever have and our hearts are anxious and unsettled? What about the times when we are afraid of what the future holds?

     I realized that this year I have struggled with an anxious heart and mind more than I ever have in the past. So after all of the holiday celebrations I made a point to learn more about the quiet heart that David speaks of in Psalm 107:30. More than that, I have started asking specifically for Him to work in me a quiet heart. Our pastor's wife loaned me the book "Keep a Quiet Heart" by Elisabeth Elliot. The book is a collection of articles featured in her newsletter. I'm really looking forward to reading it. Elliot was a woman who went through unimaginable suffering but devoted her life to knowing God intimately and finding her everything in Him. She looked to the example of Jesus Christ to show her how to live day by day in fellowship and communion with God. As Christians, we are all called to look to God, His Word, and the example of Christ for life. And this can only be done through trusting and obeying Him.

     The amazing thing about it all is that God, the perfect Creator of all things, is willing to teach us! *mind blown* He is good and kind and cares about His children. He knows our weaknesses and counts our tears and gives us His divine strength. He truly is a Father and Shepard.

"Do not fear, for I am with you;
Do not anxiously look about you, for I
am your God.
I will strengthen you, surely I will help
Surely I will uphold you with My
righteous right hand."

-Isaiah 41:10

     I go through phases of wanting an exciting, adventure-filled life one day to wanting to stay home in my pajamas and enjoy a simplified, straightforward life. I think that both are good and equally important (especially for creative people). I have dreams and ambitions that I would love to experience one day, but I also know that this world is not my home. It's not wrong to enjoy excitement or simplicity (or both), but when that becomes the source of your satisfaction there is a problem. No matter how much I achieve or experience, I must always find my complete and lasting satisfaction in my Lord. This year I have felt more keenly the tug and pull of the world. It's busyness and distractions are sometimes easier to indulge in. That is why contentment in God and quieting our soul are important. And this can be done no matter what your day to day life is like.

"Turn your eyes upon Jesus,
Look full in His wonderful face,
And the things of earth will grow strangely dim,
In the light of His glory and grace."

-Helen Lemmel

     A quiet heart looks to God for understanding and guidance. I had to make some life choices this year that, at the time, were really difficult for me. Like losing-sleep-over difficult. But those times led me to seek God deeper and really lean on Him for direction. It didn't necessarily make the decisions easy, but I had faith in His Spirit working in me and that is far better than relying on my flesh.

"Lord, give to me a quiet heart
That does not ask to understand,
But confident steps forward in
The darkness guided by Thy hand."

-Elisabeth Elliot

     I don't have all the answers. I'll never stop learning. I'm not perfect. But I know One who is! As this new year begins I want to begin my days quieting my heart by trusting and obeying. I want to know and love God more. I want to remember to enjoy the little blessings life is full of and be thankful, even in times of difficulty. I also want to try new things and maybe check something off my bucket list. ;) This is an amazing life, and I look forward to what God is going to do!

I hope this was encouraging and uplifting. What are some things God has been teaching you?
Any books to recommend on this subject? Let me know in the comments below!